The Library of All Knowledge
I've raced off-road, I've toured across the country. I've ridden on and off pavement. So here's your chance to learn from my
Now I will say that motorcycling is a personal endeavour so what works for me may or may not work for you. But keep your mind open and be willing to learn and experiment.
Articles - Racer
- Getting Started (Advice for a Compete Rookie)
- Getting The Race Machine (Buying a Used Bike)
- New Bike Prep
- Converting a Motocrosser to Enduro Bike
- Ergonomics Setup
- Suspension Setup
- Bombproofing your Bike
- To Mod or Not to Mod?
- Race Day Mayhem
- Packing the Fanny Pack
- Racing Zen
Articles - Wrenchmonkey Series
- Suspension
- Carburetor (Setting up the Big Bang)
- Stopping Power (Brakes)
- Keeping your Cool (Cooling Systems)
- Putting the Power Down (Gearing)
- DualSport Conversion (BCMVA)
Articles - Adventure Rider Series
- Hitting the Road - Making the First Big Step
- Adventure Packing Lists & Handy Forms
- The Art of Exploration - Getting the Gear to Get Out There
- The Art of Exploration - Loading it All Up
GPS Tracks
- BCBATR2 - Day One: Kamloops, Chase, Clearwater, Kamloops
- BCBATR2 - Day Two: Kamloops, Ashcroft, Logan Lake, Kamloops
- BCBATR2 - Day Three: Kamloops, Merrit

Route Sheets
BC Big Adventure Ride 2
This is the route sheets for a big bike friendly gravel road ride based out of Kamloops
- BCBATR2 - Day 1, Section 1 - Kamloops to Chase
- BCBATR2 - Day 1, Section 2 - Chase to Clearwater
- BCBATR2 - Day 1, Section 3 - Clearwater to Kamloops
- BCBATR2 - Day 2, Section 1 - Kamloops to Savona
- BCBATR2 - Day 2, Section 2 - Savona to Ashcroft
- BCBATR2 - Day 2, Section 3 - Ashcroft to Logan Lake
- BCBATR2 - Day 2, Section 4 - Logan Lake to Kamloops
- BCBATR2 - Day 3, Section 1 - Kamloops to Merrit
Rallye d'Cote Ouest
These are the route sheets for a time, speed and distance rally I was planning to do in the Fraser Valley. Most of this route is on paved roads with some minor gravel. The aim here to find the really twisty fun sections of road in the Fraser Valley.
- RCO - Stage 1, Prologue - Surrey to Port Coquitlam
- RCO - Stage 1, Section 1 - Port Coquitlam to Hatzic
- RCO - Stage 1, Section 2 - Hatzic to Agassiz
- RCO - Stage 2, Section 1 - Agassiz to Yarrow
- RCO - Stage 2, Section 2 - Yarrow to Fort Langley
More Information
- Suggested Reading List: Traveller's Tales
- Suggested Reading List: How-to Books
- Suggested Watching list
- Tips
- Off-Road Rider's Manifesto
Adventure Bike Riding School
Contents Copyright (C) Michael Fodor 2012.