Welcome to TeamGrizzly.CA

TeamGrizzly is Michael Fodor's personal webpage for all things motorcycle related. TeamGrizzly was a southwestern BC Off-Road Motorcycle Club, that organized the Piston Run Cross Country, which is one of the oldest off-road races in Canada, TeamGrizzly were also custodians of the Chipmunk Creek Riding Area near Chilliwack. I intend to keep the name running in honor of all those who have worked for the betterment of motorcycling, and be cause the name is cool too. And the irony of being a one man team is just a bonus. :)

This site is aimed at being a source of information and entertainment for all riders. I like to ride both road and off-road. So I have ride reports so you can ride along vicariously and how-to articles so you can do it literally.

What's new?

April 5th, 2014.

Added more photos to the Photo Gallery. And more coming. I've also bought a Ural and I am working on the Strom so there might be some tech pages in the near future too. Also I'm putting on the BC Big Adventure Ride III - The Gold Rush so there might be some more video's coming down the pipe too.

Inner Child

The Site

So what do we have here? The tour...

Please note that I've been playing around with HTML and CSS to make the navigation easier. So feel free to click on the buttons in the menu bar to return to the indexes.


Or the blog for those too cheap to get blogging software setup.


Some of the events that I'm putting on or helping to put on. Check it out and join me for the fun.

Ride Reports

The heroic exploits of my bike and I. The Flight of Bear Canada.

Library of All Knowledge

The sum of my vast knowledge about motorcycling is within these pages. The other 99% is plagarized.

The Garaj Mahal

Just like American Chopper, but with less profanity and much cooler bikes. This is where the tales of the Garaj Mahal are told. Also included information on how to make your own Garaj Mahal.


This is where I get a camera, some editing software and try to rival Shakespeare. (And no, it's not "a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, but signifying nothing.", OK maybe it's close.)

Photo Gallery

I've been on a shooting rampage for years now and here is some of my best shots.


Can't get enough coolness here. Well check out these pages as well.


Also please support BCORMA by getting a Trail Pass. The Gold Pass provides money to clubs for maintaining their riding area. Also you can specify which club the money goes to. And you can access trail maps on the BCORMA site. If your purchase a Platnum Pass you also get the third party liability insurance needed to ride on BC Backroads with your dirtbike. Also BCORMA deals with the government in keeping riding areas open for us. Total win-win, but only if we support them.

Contents Copyright (C) Michael Fodor 2012.