The Flight of Bear Canada
Day Eight - July 8th
White Lake, ON to Massey, ON
Ok, the start of the day was a wet mess. At about 2:30am, the skies opened up above White Lake. It did stop around the time that I got up. I do have a two man tent for the purpose of keeping my gear inside dry. So I get out of the tent in full riding gear ready to go riding. Then the fun starts. My bike was sitting on it's centerstand, well that sunk to the part where both wheels were on the ground. They usually aren't. Then as I tried to get the beast off the stand, it fell over. With the bike in neutral, I managed to spin it around in a semi-circle before getting it back on it's wheels. What a way to start a day! Also to boot I found that the bugs really aren't discouraged by insect repellent. They're still persistent and try to find the spot which haven't been sprayed. Grrrr.
Lake Superior in the Mist.
Once on the road. I was riding through fog, mist and light rain with visibility so bad that I wasn't able to see fifty meters in front of me. I rode with hazards on so as to be a touch more visible. I also fell over twice more, since non-moving fall-overs are my specialty. I can recommend Hepco-Becker crashbars, because I've tested them. (Several times) And anyone doubting the durability of Caribou Cases / Pelican Boxes, rest assured. They are tough as well. (I've tested this several times as well. And the added nice touch is that they prevent the bike from falling over fully and makes it easier to pick up.
After Sault Ste. Marie I began to follow Hwy 17 east through nice open farmland. The weather improves as well, with sun and blue sky making it's appearance once again. I stop in Massey and crash in a hotel once again. I do recommend the Massey Motel and I echo the owner's recommendation of eating at the Dragonfly Ristorante. The food there is excellent.
This road could be a pain to find at night.
Tomorrow is a dash south. I'm going to try to hit the Tobermory ferry on the strength of a fellow Horizons Unlimited rider's recommendation. Then onto Tiverton to see an old friend...and mooch a place to stay off him.
Day Nine - July 9th
Massey, ON to Cypress Lake, ON
The weather in the morning was gorgeous. Blue skies and cool. The riding was good. Today was off to a good start. Then I ran into a construction zone. Wait in the hot sun for a while and then enjoy riding in gravel for a few kilometers. The fact that the car in front just has to travel at fall-over speed. Trials riding experience definitely a plus here. (Of course the off-road racer in me would just love to hit the shoulder, slalom between the construction crews and vehicle and leave everyone in my dust. Then then again it's good to remind yourself that you riding a overloaded V-Strom not a RM-250.)
After the construction the roads cleared. But after a huge gust of wind, I think the roads were clear because of most of the traffic being blown off the road. The wind was very intense. I can say that it made definitely riding the straight roads more entertaining. I reach the South Baymouth ferry terminal, just a bit after the southbound ferry sailed, so I have a bit of time to wait, work on the laptop, and shoot the breeze with fellow riders. It's still windy in South Baymouth as I write this section and using a laptop in huge wind can be tricky.
The view from the South Baymouth terminal. (Just to confuse you, the South Baymouth is at the north end of the ferry run.)
Me waiting for the ferry...
...and waiting...
(I know that me missing the ferry was my fault and I could of easily caught it. But what the hell I gotta add some drama here or all my fans will get bored.)
...but the bike waits patiently
At first I was alone...I'm so wonely...(cue So wonely, by Kim Jung Il, Team America Soundtrack)
But den...ahem...but then friends arrived. (or a least friends I haven't met yet.)
The ferry ride was cool. The ferry crew likes to tie down bikes. Our passage was calm and tranquil, but the Lake has been known to get rough.
The Chi-Cheemaun (Ojibway for "Big Canoe")
Setting why does the song "Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" stick in my head?
Lighthouse near Tobermory.
Contents Copyright (C) Michael Fodor 2012.